What is AutoCAD? - Tech WiBi

What is AutoCAD?

What is AutoCAD ? Tech WiBi

AutoCAD is an engineering design program, Autocad software is a very user-friendly software and it is made up of the most popular programming languages ​​C ++. With the help of which designers and engineers can easily create two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) designs and can design removable parts for any device. Autocad has become an important place in the field of architectural engineering and engineering work.

Nowadays, large deployment designs are done by the computer's AutoCAD, and architecture is built accordingly, in any case, in the case of design and engineering, any small-scale perfect thing is verified through autocad, so that time, labor and money are saved. Especially in the Middle East its demand is increasing.

Those who are starting or running an engineering career or have already been in this field, need to know the complete use of AutoCAD to run their own workforce as an engineer.

It is not necessary to know only the engineering. In this technology era, you need to take full advantage of the autocad or you will be lagging behind as an engineer in the competition market. Most Bangladeshi engineers use autocad for their work.

The following are the features of AutoCAD usage:


Any type of engineering designed or prototyping is a time-consuming and difficult subject. On the other hand, in the case of mechanical engineering, the design of a device is to be composed of different parts, so the design is very complex in paper.

With the help of AutoCAD, it is possible to test the complex elements of design using 2D and 3D, which can be used to create a perfect design before the actual installation is made, and the design measurements are also available. Using the AutoCAD, it can be easily removed from the design.

Money saved:

Different types of examinations and research, along with designing in the field of engineering work, are very important, in reality, examining many cost-effective real-estate installations or appliances. With the help of AutoCAD that can be easily solved, a designer easily changes the different parts of his design to test, as the novelty of his design comes, and money is also saved.

Less time wastage:

In reality, creating real specimens or prototypes may take a lot of time, but in a very short time using the AutoCAD, a sample design can be made and changes can be made easily and quickly. Which helps designers save a lot of valuable time.

Communication and integration:

By designing a digital format design model, more than one engineer works on a design that can satisfy the design and easily send it to any other person. In this era of globalization, a designer can easily discuss different parts of his design with other designers through AutoCAD and it is much easier to create a perfect design in the context of different concepts.

Engineers and designers should learn Autocad for their convenience. In our country, there are many opportunities for engineers and designers to work overseas with AutoCAD.

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